Matt and Janet Matt and Janet on holiday in Guernsey

My name is Matt Hilton. I was born and raised in Larne, Norhern Ireland. I have worked as a software developer since the late 1970s, and I am currently employed by an international IT services company. Since my marriage to Janet in 1994, I have lived in Belfast.

I had an experience in my early twenties that led me to commit my life to Jesus Christ, whom I have followed ever since. This website is, in part, an expression of my desire to honour Jesus and to fulfil the Great Commission to proclaim the truth of the Gospel to every creature under heaven by providing links to websites that I believe would be of benefit to anyone either serching for God or, having found Him, wanting to learn some more about him. Its other purpose is to provide links to the websites that I have developed for other people.

In 2005, I began to experiment with website development. Unfortunately, my job has me channelled into a different area of IT, and I have had to teach myself. Fortunately, there are a number of good websites out there to help the budding enthusiast, and also a number of helpful publications. The sites that I have set up so far can be linked to from this page. Please feel free to browse.

If you want to contact me in relation to anything associated with the website, please email me on:
Below I have provided links to other websites that I believe will be useful to you if you are interested in learning more about Christianity. I do not say that I agree with every view expressed or every conclusion reached, nor do I say that I agree with the approach taken in every case. This is not the point. The point is that the information is available, so please browse, consider, and make up your own mind.

First and foremost, the most important resource that you need is, of course, the Bible:

If you want an easily acccessible layman's introduction to the faith, try:

Next, what about some articles on Christian doctrine. Have a look at these:

Here are some sites of general interest: